1. Install sudo: # apt-get install sudo 2. Permit apache user (www-data on Debian systems) run tc command as root (this dependency should be fix one day): # echo 'www-data ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/tc' >> /etc/sudoers 3. PHP must run with safe_mode = off ( I will fix this in future version) 4. Unpack phpTCadmin tarball inside DocumentRoot # cd /var/www # tar xzf phpTCadmin-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz
Setup Authentication (Optional)
Create /var/www/phptcadmin/.htaccess
AuthUserFile /var/www/phptcadmin/.htpasswd AuthType Basic AuthName "PHP Traffic Control Administration" <Limit GET POST> order allow,deny allow from all require valid-user </Limit>
Create http-user at /var/www/phptcadmin/.htpasswd
htpasswd -c /var/www/phptcadmin/.htpasswd admin
Configure apache (/etc/apache2/apache2.conf) to permit use .htaccess in /var/www/phptcadmin
<Directory /var/www/phptcadmin> AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit </Directory>
Reinaldo de Carvalho (reinaldoc{NOSPAM}